Friday, March 30, 2012

The Valley of Fear - Chapter Three Questions

Once you have finished the questions for Chapter One and Chapter Two, continue with the following questions for Chapter Three. Follow the same procedure that you followed for the Chpter One and Two questions. Make sure you remember to save your work.


  1. Briefly describe the village of Birlstone. 
  2. What was the house where the murder took place called? 
  3. What the features restricted access to the Manor House? 
  4. Briefly describe John Douglas. 
  5. What did Douglas' neighbors think of him? 
  6. Briefly describe Mrs. Douglas. 
  7. Who was the guest at the Manor House? 
  8. How was he connected to the Douglas couple? 
  9. Name two of the Manor House's servants and indicate their jobs. 
  10. Describe Mr. Douglas as he was found by the doctor and the sergeant. 
  11. Who was first on the scene of the crime? According to Barker, how did the murderer escape? 
  12. Why does Barker think so? 
  13. Where was the murderer hiding in the room? 
  14. What distinguishing mark was on Douglas? 
  15. What was missing from Douglas' personal effects?

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