Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The "Old Religion"

Watch the two videos below for a better understanding of voodoo. When you have finished watching the videos, answer the questions below in the 'comments' section.

The Birth of Voodoo:

New World Voodoo:

Hatian Voodoo:

What is it?


1) Why would some people distrust someone involved in voodoo?

2) Describe one positive thing you perceive about voodoo.


  1. 1)I personally would be terrified of voodoo so i would regect it and not trust thoes who practice it out of fear.

    2) If healing really works it helps many people.

  2. 1. Somebody might distrust somebody in voodoo, because most people say its a dark magic and also because it looks dark and evil.

    2. One positive thing I seen about voodoo was that your can have your spirit leave your body and help other people out with there problems in their lives with a evil spirit. But then your spiritsomes back several hours later.

  3. Tyler Eddy

    1. Some people might distrust other people that do voodoo because they might think that its not real or they think its all stupid

    2. One postive thing that I perceive about voodoo is that it can heal people with sickness and emotional feelings

  4. Question 1:
    Voodoo itself is a rather odd religion from an outersiders point of view because their are so many things about it that are forin to us, like the chanting in a different language, the dancing, all the different spirit talk, the rubbing with a chicken... From say a cristian point of view it must seem like devil worship! But I'm sure to them cristianity is just as strange.

    Question 2:
    Voodoo is a very involved religion, it all happens before the eyes and it brings hope to alot of people.

  5. jacob stysinski

    1. someone might distrust voodoo because it looks sort of disturbing, and dark.

    2. it's used to heal people.

  6. because othe rpeople dont believe in it so they wouldnt trust them.

    healing other people which id=s helpinhg them.

  7. 1) I don't know, I think it has to do with the fact that it might making fun of the person's relgion.

    2) I don't know anything about it really

  8. 1. people would distruy someone in voodoo because i dotn know, its weird and evil...

    2. one posative thing i seen about voodoo is everyone works together as a team to help others.

  9. - 1.because it seems to be very evil.

    2. it helps people overcome problems.

  10. 1. Some people might distrust the people who practice voodoo because when the spirit is in them they don't have control over their body.
    2. One positive thing about voodoo is that if you belive in the spirites and you have some kind of ilnes you might even get healed by them and return to your old health.

  11. 1.People might not trust voodoo because of the affects of it because it could be for good or evil

    2.voodoo is a method to help people through spirits, the spirit goes through a body of an median through a trance and ends up helping with disease or emotions

  12. 1. People can't control themselves when there posest and it could be violent.

    2. The people that believe in this kind of stuff will have a nice life relieved about there stress

  13. 1)Someone might distust in voodoo, because someone in the village said it was dark magic.

    2)One good thing about Voodoo is that it can heal people and help save another life.

  14. andrew
    1- some people think its dark magic and doesnt hepl people.

    2-voodoo helps people get over there promblems or makes you more happy.
