Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Scream

Consider the piece of art below:


The Scream (Norwegian: Skrik; created in 1893–1910) is the title the painting above by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, showing an agonized figure against a blood red sky. The landscape in the background is the Oslofjord, viewed from the hill of Ekeberg, in Oslo, Norway.
In the book Stones, Garnet experiences moments of significant fear. By reflecting on the novel, and your experiences, respond in the comment section to the following questions:
  1. What are you most afraid of?
  2. How do you cope with fear?
  3. Describe one experience you have been through in which you successfully overcame fear. Include why you were successful and any positive results you encountered.

 Answer with complete sentences. Attach your name to your comment.




  1. im scared of..
    -sleeping alone.
    -gaining weight.
    -being alone in the dark.

    by:nichole verhoeven

  2. What are you most afraid of?
    I am most afraid of being stabbed and caught up in a fire tornado while intrapped in snakes also in an earthquske happening under me while being in an ice storm and being chased by gnomes.
    How do you cope with fear?
    I cope with fear by not thinking about it, and thinking about all the good thing things in my life.
    Describe one experience you have been through in which you successfully overcame fear. Include why you were success and any positive results you encountered.
    I woke up with y friends pet snake on me and i just took a deep breath and took her off me, putting her in her cage.

  3. 1. I am scared of drowning
    2. I cope with drowning by being a very good swimmer.
    3. I overcame my fear of drowning by my stepbrother almost drowning me at the lake by his house.

    By: Mike.A

  4. tyler geddes

    1. i am scared of snakes.
    2. i dont deal with it i am just scared of them.
    3.i wasnt succesful at all

  5. 1) Nothing. I used to be afriad of the dark.

    2) Kind of hard to deal with something that you don't have. It clicked.

    3) I was in the dark, and it just click and was not afriad any more.

  6. 1. I am most affraid of heights.
    2. I try and get over it by going somewhere that is high in the air.
    3. I was on the behemoth at Canada's Wonderland and its about 200 feet in the air and I was successful because I was strapped in and couldn't get out. some positive results are I wanted to do it again and I wasn't as freaked out.

  7. 1. I use to be afraid of the dark, I would always have to always have the light on in my room when I fall asleep, or leave the washroom light on or the hallway lights on .
    2. I tried to use a night light or I would hangout in the dark more oft
    3. I never wanted to sleep alone I always slept with my mom , when I did sleep with my mom I would never get sick, I would never have nightmares after movies. One day I just decided to sleep in my own room ,Now i can sleep alone but I still like to sleep in my moms room .

  8. 1. Highest,Frogs,Crabs on the Beach
    2. You face it try to copy it and be part of the object that you're scared of.
    3. I overcame my fear of the dark and the forests by staying up alone to night and saying to my self there is nothing in the dark that can hurt you and now i'm not scard of forest and the dark.

  9. Blake-what fears me most is Mr.St.John.2.Obey his rules.3. I was afraid of hights then I went to Chicago and whent into the Sears Tower and I was only half way up and on the side of the building there were glass boxes that you could stand in and you could see all of Chicago and I wasn't afraid anymore.

  10. 1: I am most afraid of heights, spiders, big dogs,demonic cats, turtles, pedophiles.

    2:if i see ones of the things im scared of, i run away.

    3:This one time, i was with my friend and we almost got raped and killed by this dude that was high. and he had a gun...

  11. Tyler Eddy
    1. The thing that I am most afraid of is hieghts

    2. I cope wit this fear by never going anywhere that is high up

    3.One time when I was at Canada's Wonderland, my mother convienced me to go on "The Drop Zone". Which is where it slowly brings you up in the air and then just drops you. So when I got on the ride, i thought "its not that high, i can do this". But when I got up to the top, i nearly craped my pants. And then i droped, but i couldn't scream because there was no air to breath. When the ride was done, i got off and said " I will never go on that ride again".

  12. Taylor xD - 1.) I'm afraid of sharks ,snakes , Death , Terroists , Pedophiles , Phsyco's and My mother <----- biggest fear

    2.)I face it but im am still scared to but i have enough courage to face it

    3.)There was a bombing in a store i was in in the states and they were guarding the doors with guns and they had to set up a bomb and left with a minute left on the timer and the bomb squad came along with the police and in 10 seconds left

  13. my fears are..
    sleeping alone.
    gaining weight

    i cope with sleeping alone by sleepign with my mom every night.

    i cope with spiders by staying away from them aand screamign when i see one.. or even killing it.

    i cope with gaining weight by going on diets.

    ..ive neevr overcome any of these fears.

  14. Philllip Luckhardt

    Question 1:
    I'm afraid of snakes, spiders, hights, dieing, certian types of sharks, komoto dragons,neadles and probobly more things. But I can not think of any at this time.

    Questiion 2:
    I will either run away of face them head on.

    Question 3:
    I would have to say this one time I was going to get the Hep needle and I did not want to get it but I faced my fear head on and got the needle so now my chances of getting Hepatitis is significantly lower! :-p

  15. Andrew- 1- My fear is spiders.2-I try to stay away from them.3-I was at a reptile show and they had spiders and I let one climb on me.

  16. I'm afraid of geese, thunderstorms, plan crahses,the dark, and dying.

    How I deal with geese by not going near them or throughing golf balls at them. Thunder Storms are scary but I go into my room and i lay down in my bed and hold my favoourite childhood toy. Plan Crashes because 1. You could die. 2. You could get eaten by a shark and 3. You could get lost. The dark I sleep with a night light. Dying it is scary but i don't really think about it.

    When I overcame a fear I was walking down the road and I got attacked by a goose after screaming i just walked away. Plan crases I don't really worry about it as long as I have my family near me I'm fine. Dying I don't have to worry about it yet. One night it was thunder storming and I was home by myself and I was scared so I started cryng and I just sat in my moms room on her bed. The dark it was the first time my lamp stopped working and I heard scary noises and I couldn't fall asleep soo I make sure I my lamp works.
    By: Jessica Zandri
